Thursday, March 3, 2022

Review: Punk 57

Punk 57 Punk 57 by Penelope Douglas
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I can't believe I actually finished this book. I am actually pretty grossed out by it. I only gave it 2 stars because it at least attempted to talk about the messed up crap like sexual assault and abuse that it covered. But even those topics were so shallow.

I am actually disgusted by this book because of how it romanticized sexual assault, drug use, alcohol use, eating disorders, body dismorphia, and more. Further this relationship between Ryen and Misha is extremely NOT ok or healthy. Not to mention extremely graphic sex scenes between what are basically children. I am no idiot and I am not a prude. But there are somethings that just cross a line for me. Conveniently masking your characters as 18 when they are in high school is not ok in my book. I kept waiting for there to be a flash forward to them being older, but nope the sex scenes just kept on rolling in.

I would advise anyone who felt they related to Ryen as a character or any one in this book get mental help immediately, and I don't mean that sarcastically in any way, shape, or form. ~AW

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Book Addict Readers Published @ 2014 by Ipietoon