Monday, April 15, 2024

Review: King of Wrath

King of Wrath King of Wrath by Ana Huang
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Ok so I was all in with this one. Then the story really started to get going and I just wanted to slap Vivian in the face. I mean seriously girl you don't need your family if they are going to force you to marry someone that A. you don't love and B. who is a total jerk. I put family above everything in my home but not to the point where the relationship becomes toxic. Vivian is one of the my most hated characters I have read this year and seriously I understand that I know they end up together because romance. But seriously I wish that this book would have been enough for me to keep reading so I could find out if she ever told her family off and did her own thing.

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Book Addict Readers Published @ 2014 by Ipietoon