Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Review: Every Time I Go on Vacation, Someone Dies

Every Time I Go on Vacation, Someone Dies Every Time I Go on Vacation, Someone Dies by Catherine Mack
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

At first I thought I was going to really love this book as the FMC was quick to make me laugh and I seemed to hate the MMC as much as she does.

However as the book went on it quickly became confusing and I found it very difficult to follow the book due to the use of footnotes in the story and trying to change pages to figure out what was being talked about. In my opinion the foot notes in the story didn’t need to be there and could have just put in the story in parenthesis or as an additional sentence.

This coupled with a lot of characters being thrown in at once with little to no background provided about them in the main text, but instead putting it in the footnotes didn’t allow the book to read in a way that made the story run smoothly.

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Book Addict Readers Published @ 2014 by Ipietoon